Annex Fundraiser for Padded Flooring

As you all may be aware, the courtyard that your children play in during recess desperately needs a padded surface. The children have a wonderful time out there, but they do receive their fair share of skinned knees and elbows.  We would love to provide your children with a much safer surface to play on.  We can do it, but we need your help.  In speaking with the vendor, the padded surface for the courtyard will cost $32,000. To help defray the cost, we are kindly asking each family for a donation towards purchase of the materials and installation.  We know that it may be asking a lot, but it’s a great way to give a long-lasting gift to your children, and the children of the future. We are asking that all contributions be made by October 21st, 2022, so that installation can begin before the cold weather.   We are hoping to have enough raised to begin work on November 1st. Thank you so much for your time and consideration as we work together to ensure the safety of our children. 

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