Protest PS16 Teacher Layoffs

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
This week schools around the country are celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week. Unfortunately in Jersey City this week began with public school teachers receiving Reduction In Force notices, which means that many of them will be laid off by end of this school year, due to the school district budget cuts.
At this time P.S.#16 stands to lose approximately 25% of our teaching staff due to these cuts. This includes non-tenured classroom teachers and specialists, as well as further program cuts, like Enrichment, Reading Recovery, Music Program and more.
With your help we have been able to sustain our school for years, supplementing wherever possible – with supplies, activities and facility improvements. Despite operating with minimal district funding, “0” Title 1 Aid, and oversized classrooms, PS16 has climbed to the rank of No.1 in the County and No.20 in the State, thanks to our talented teachers! Losing them will create an irreparable void and severely affect our children’s academic future.
WE NEED YOUR HELP! There are several meetings coming up where parents can speak on behalf of our teachers, to preserve our current instructional staff. Please join us at attending and/or speaking at the following: (Let us know on SignUp Genius if you can attend any of the following:)
Thank you as always for your support. Our teachers are counting on us to stand up for them and our kids deserve the best quality of education.
If you have any questions about any of the above that you wish to discuss in person Parent Council members will be in the auditorium at drop off times (8-8:45AM) to answer your questions.
Best Regards,
CPA Team
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